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Originally delivered on 2/4/2025 1:01 pm

SUBJECT: MMS PTA Newsletter - February 4, 2025

Coming Up On The Calendar

Thursday, February 6 - Early Dismissal

Thursday, February 13 - Teacher/Staff Appreciation

Monday, February 17 - Teacher/Staff Development - Student Holiday

Thursday, February 20 - PTA Meeting 12:00

Wednesday, February 26 - Canes Day

Friday, March 7 - Break the Rules Day

Friday, March 7 - End of 3rd Nine Weeks

Monday, March 10 - Friday, March 14 - Spring Break - No School

Thursday, March 20 - Teacher/Staff Appreciation

Thursday, March 20 - PTA Meeting 12:00

Wednesday, March 26 - Canes Day

Thursday, February 6 at 12:30
Book Fair Volunteers Needed

We need you! Do you want your student to fall in love with reading? Do you enjoy being at the school and helping? The MMS Library is hosting a book fair and we need YOU to volunteer! 

The library will be hosting a “Fall in Love with Reading” Scholastic Book Fair from February 10-February 14.

We need at least 2 volunteers to help run the cashier area during school hours all week. We have broken the shifts into 2 hour time blocks and we encourage you to sign up to help our students check out. 

The library is also looking for volunteers the Thursday before the fair 2/6, which is an early dismissal day, to help set up the books for the fair.

Thank you in advance for helping to make the MMS "Love Reading" Book Fair a huge success!

Please contact Arielle Lawson at for more information, or talk to Catherine Zappe in the library. 

Volunteer for Book Fair HERE
Class Schedule

The Nominating Committee was elected during our January PTA meeting.

Thank you to the following parents for volunteering 

their time to serve in this role:

Cori Agnew

Elizabeth Canfield

Brooke Luz

Audra Marye

Elise Williams

Becky Fenn & Courtney Robertson (Alternates)

If you are interested in learning more about the board positions, contact any current board member for more information. If you would like to be considered for a position, please contact Bridgette Bilski at by Friday, February 21, 2025.

Thank you, 

Bridgette Bilski

We LOVE our sister school Landrum Middle School!

Hello MMS Families, our sister school needs our help! 

Arcie Valdez works for Communities in School Inc. as Student Support Specialist. After she assessed the critical needs of Landrum Middle School, she put together an Amazon wish list to bridge the gap and support the students at Landrum MS that face a myriad of barriers to success. Please consider supporting this great cause by ordering from this page. As you can see when you click the link, these are necessities like food and school uniforms these kids need to be successful! We truly appreciate any help!

Would you be so kind as to purchase one or several items donate to them? If you select Arcie Valdez it will go direct to Landrum MS.

Thank you!!

Courtney Smith & Jayne Huggins

Amazon Wish List
Dessert Sign Ups Are Still Open for the Spring!

All signs ups for the December 12 Teacher Appreciation luncheon have been filled, and we are incredibly grateful to our dedicated volunteers! If you signed up and are unable to keep your commitment, please kindly delete your sign up prior to December 8. If you must cancel the week of the luncheon, please find a replacement, and reach out to the Teacher Appreciation chairs. 

Dessert sign ups are still open and filling fast for the Spring semester. Please consider signing up to bring two dozen baked goods and helping to show our teachers the appreciation they so deserve! 

Dessert Sign Up
Volunteer Sign Up
MMS Now Has a Dads Club!

Mission: 1963 Club was founded to provide a means for helping improve the campus and facilities of Memorial Middle School. 

Register Today to Make an Impact!

Register Here

Dues: $150 

Buy Your Yearbook

The store will remain open until we sell out. We usually sell out by mid-March. Extra books are not ordered. 


Buy Your Yearbook Here

On behalf of more than 100 Spring Branch ISD students from across the district, the Spring Branch FFA Alumni Association invites you to join them at the upcoming FFA Show & Sale at 1905 Brittmoore Rd. 

The Sale auction will include more than 200 student created and raised non-livestock (baked goods, creative arts, ag mechanics, etc) and livestock (turkeys, chickens, pigs, goats, lambs, and steer) projects. 

The Show and ranking of student livestock projects will take place Thursday, 2/6 and Friday, 2/7, and the big Sale is on Saturday, 2/8. All parking on Saturday, 2/8 will be at The Cannon at 1334 Brittmoore. Park and we will shuttle you over to the Farm. Bring the whole family and remember to bundle up if it's cold outside.

Livestock and Non-Livestock Sale Schedule, Saturday, February 8 

  • 11:00 am - Barn opens
  • 11:30 am - Buyers lunch begins
  • 1:00 pm - Auction begins
  • 3:00 pm - Silent Auction closes

More information is available on our website: Please know that, as part of the 2022 SBISD Bond, the Farm is undergoing construction. We are thrilled to host the Show & Sale on site but request your patience and understanding.

Purchase Tickets HERE
Register for Hit-a-thon Here
Register for Spring Ding Here
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