Early Pick Up
Best practice is to send a note with your student to bring to the front office that morning. We will write them an “Early Dismissal Pass” that they will give to their teacher, so they are waiting in the office when you come to sign them out.
Similarly, if you email the front office (with plenty of lead time), we will send them an Early Dismissal Pass so that your student is ready and waiting.
You do have to come to the front office to sign out your student, but you do not need to come to the front office to sign them back in. Students can sign themselves in. However, please do have them bring the doctor’s excuse note.
Last chance to sign your student out early is 3:40 pm. After 3:40, you will need to wait until the bell rings at 4:00pm.
If you want to designate a person not on your student’s emergency list to pick up your student mid-day, please send a note with your student or email the front office giving them permission to pick up your student. That individual will need to bring a photo ID when picking up your student.
Best front office emails to use: lynn.harrison@springbranchisd.com and/or kristin.hopper@springbranchisd.com.
Email for all attendance issues: MmsAttendance@springbranchisd.com
The best kind of absence is an excused absence. Doctor’s notes will make an absence excused, but even if an absent student doesn’t have a note, please call or email mmsattendance@springbranchisd.com to let us know why they are absent.
Doctor’s notes can be submitted in person or by email up to 2 days after the absence.
Please make sure your student is at school ontime. If they are not in their 1st period seat by 8:40, they will be tardy. Three tardies equals an after school detention.