Submit for Publication (Website, Weekly Newsletter, Blast)

Please fill out all information to be considered for the website, weekly MMS PTA newsletter or E-Blast.

NOTE - Entries must be submitted by 8:00pm the Sunday before the next Tuesday newsletter. If it is not submitted before 8:00pm Sunday, it will go into the next week's newsletter unless it is an urgent request.

Questions? Mary Emrey Ellis or Danielle Runyan

Submitter Information

Submission Information

Submission Type:*

Submitter Type:* (reset)

*Submissions must be sent by Sunday at 8:00pm to be included in the Tuesday newsletter.

Please enter this EXACTLY as it should be published.

Please enter this EXACTLY as it should be published.

Have a file to attach to your entry?  Include it here!

Have a another file to attach to your entry?  Include it here!

Please enter any notes, links or questions, etc.